Thursday, March 4, 2010

Marriage Invite

So, my cousin's getting married, and part of the whole marriage process is formally inviting friends and family to the wedding... Unfortunately, my cousin's perception of a formal invite is slightly skewed...

---------   The "Formal" Invite   ---------


I am getting married to my girlfriend of more than 3 interspaced years, with the last year spent virtually (thank god for skype).
Please treat this as a formal invitation to all you buggers and your bugger's families and lovers and all those you pay to love you to my wedding in coconutland on the 16th of May 2010 and the reception in Bangalore on the 22nd  of May.

But more seriously, i will publicly abuse you if you come up with any excuses for missing either one or both.So please update your calendars,blackberry phones,palm leaves,whatever . 
Do let me know if you guys are coming from out of town and need a place to stay. I should be able to arrange for the acco.A little before hand would definitely make things easier though.

And yes, ill try and send out the invitation card properly as well.As soon as its printed.



It's too funny not to have it's place in here...

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