Saturday, October 5, 2013


Who.. What?
Hey man! I got something for you.
I... err... I'm not interested.
I think you would be, if you only come this way.
Ahem! Who are you exactly?
Those are details that don't matter. What matters now is I make your life better. Follow me into this dark alley way.
Hello Brain? Could you help me out here? Should I follow this mysterious and creepy stranger into this dark alley?
(hic)! Sure! What could go wrong? As your superior intellect, I say go ahead! YOLO biyaaatch!
Damnit! I don't think I should even bother listening to...
I SAID YOLO (hic)! Don't piss me off! I could black out if you make me work... I'm warning you!
Hey bud! You coming?
Yeah yeah! Coming!
Pretty much how I imagine my super smart pills killing off those inebriated bacteria and germs that are making me sick.

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