Thursday, October 10, 2013

Saves Nine

Tommy: Jeez! I see a tear! I wish my ma was here so she could fix this.


A puff of smoke appears out of thin air, blanketing the bright light that seems to be everywhere.
Through the smoke and light, a silhouette walks towards Tommy.

Tommy: Who are you mister?

The stranger steps through the smoke and into full view.

Stranger: I am Pin Man! Master protector of those who are on the verge of embarrassment; companion to those who are about to blow up their enemies; preserver of loose and dangling strands of hair.

Tommy: Is that really you, Pin Man?!

Pin Man (with his hands on his hips): Yes Tommy. And this is Boy Thread, my trusty sidekick.

Boy Thread (waving): Hi there Tommy! What's gotten you all glum, old chum!

Tommy: There's that tear I just noticed. I was hoping my ma was around to help fix it.

Boy Thread (slamming his fist into his open palm): Holy poonal kalyanam* Pin Man!

Pin Man: We don't have time to waste Boy Thread! Quick! Poke me in the eye, and make sure you go right through!

Boy Thread: You got it Pin Man! 


Boy Thread: Dangit! I missed. Let me try again Pin Man!


Boy Thread: I'm sorry Pin Man! I seem off today.

Tommy starts crying.

Pin Man: Get closer Boy Thread. Let me lick you completely. It'll make it easier for you in your next attempt!


Boy Thread: Thank you Pin Man! Let me try again!


Boy Thread: Holy eye of the torn, Pin Man! I made it!

Pin Man (forefinger tapping on his chin, and Boy Thread dangling from his eye): If my analysis is correct, we should be able to stitch him up in no time. Don't worry Tommy! It's going to be alright! Hold on to my eye socket Boy Thread! Here we go!


Nurse: Doctor. Do you think the strength of the anesthesia administered to Tommy was sufficient? I think he might be gaining consciousness.

Doctor: Nothing to worry about. He should still be pretty groggy, and might even hallucinate. All we have to do is complete stitching him up. A successful appendectomy, don't you think?
There! It's done! Please cut the suture for me, nurse.


*Poonal Kalyanam (thread ceremony), also known as Upanayana, is the initiation ritual for brahmins to symbolize transfer of knowledge

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