Sunday, February 28, 2010

An introduction...since everything usually needs one.

So here is an empty blog.

I find it pretty daunting to see a blank page (in a book, or web page) and always wonder what that blank page has in terms of potential. It could be a prelude, or something that serves as a transition medium. Yet, it could be left blank and still serve the same purpose as a well timed silence.
So much potential.

This is my attempt at exploiting that potential, or end up burning in the annals of blog hell history for under-utilization of such a powerful, or potentially powerful, medium of communication. This would be my little space in the expansive world of the internet.

- Vimal Sathish

P.S: Sometimes I like faking intensity and making things sound melodramatic. I also love making words up.

1 comment:

  1. That makes it two self proclaimed non-practicing preachers!!!!!!
