Sunday, October 13, 2013

10 Types of Social Comics... and lots more!

Greetings dear visitors traversing this small corner of the interwebs! Stay a little longer and read a little quicker, and you'll have a better understanding of the different social comics that exist out there.

Without much ado, here they are!

The Self-Motivator
Symptoms: Enthusiastic, charismatic, pitiful
Condition: Once the joke concludes, the only person laughing is the one telling the joke

  • Extreme Case: TV Ads State
    : Easily amused, excited, not capable of providing a summary
    Condition: Interrupts the story telling on a regular basis with peals of laughter. Horrible narration results in only narrator finding the joke funny

The Poker Player
Symptoms: Serious, intelligent, scary
Condition: Runs the joke with a straight face. Sometimes causes mass silence since no one knows if it's a joke or life as it happened.


The Comeback King/Queen
Symptoms: quiet, active listener, can switch target of laughter quickly
Condition: Usually quiet unless targeted, and usually retorts in such a way that the attacker is left embarrassed

  • Derivative: The Crossbow
    : Alert, jovial, fox-like
    Condition: At opportune moments, fires a one-liner that cracks up everyone around.
  • Antonym: The Self Proclaimed Comeback King/Queen
    : loud, determined, not funny
    Condition: Impatient to retort, and is usually funny only in that person's mind. Also, destroys the mood at the moment because of that person's perseverance in trying to be the King/Queen of comebacks

The Tolkien
Symptoms: a talker, hyper active, dreamer
Condition: Converts even the simplest incidences into a whirlwind trilogy of love, betrayal, and power

  • Sidekick: The Quick Starter
    Enthusiastic, brilliant memory, supportive
    Condition: In an attempt to stay relevant, always starts off or brings up a joke or incident, but asks The Tolkien to complete it.
  • Derivative: The Peter Jackson
    : Vivid imagination, animated, loud
    Condition: The physically animated retelling of The Tolkien narration, with verbal sound effects

The Teacher
Symptoms: listener, jovial, egoistic
Condition: Chips in with actual facts and corrects the narrator when he exaggerates or makes a mistake


El Bully
Symptoms: extrovert, animated, hogs the limelight
Condition: Not only does this person physically put down his target by thumping the shoulders with a heavy blow, but his jokes embarrass the other person in the front of the crowd as well


Symptoms: smart, open-minded, funny sometimes
Condition: Is a mix of all the types of social comics

  • Antonym: The Inspired
    : loud, determined, not funny
    Condition: Imitates word-to-word & action-by-action the narration by the original

Kamikaze Specialist
Symptoms: naive, well-meaning, silly
Condition: Joins in the fun of belittling a targeted person of a joke, only to end up always saying something unwittingly silly, that switches the spotlight onto him/her.


The Native
Symptoms: enthusiastic, listens, insecure
Condition: In an attempt to be funny, says an inside joke that would probably be understood only by one person in a group of ten or more 


Coattail Rider
Symptoms: alert, jovial, unoriginal
Condition: Chips in with a word or short sentence during the telling of a very funny joke. Ends up being considered funny as well

  • Arch Nemesis: End Credits
    : Enthusiastic, impatient, selfish
    Condition: Shouts out the punch line early on in the joke, regardless of whether anyone else has heard it or not.

The Ghoul
Symptoms: enthusiastic, persistent, talkative
Condition: Says the worst form of jokes that invoke only moans and groans from the listeners


The Lightning
Symptoms: quiet, intense, partly poker faced
Condition: Narrates a hilarious joke that no one gets initially. When it does hit, it results in mass laughter and stomach cramps

  • Extreme Delay Response: The Socrates
    : quiet, intense, partly poker faced
    Condition: Narrates a very hilarious joke that no one gets

Do you fit into one of the above categories? Let me know in the comments below, or via IM, or snail mail, or dino mail, or pony express, or just read through this and self-analyze.

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