Monday, October 7, 2013

Science: Light & Sound

Proof light travels faster than sound can be seen in everyday situations, such as,

  • When a girl slaps a random guy who pinched her backside, you see the guy's head spin because of the impact, before you hear him cry in pain
  • When the same guy jumps the wall of the girl's house in the middle of the night, you see the guard dog bite before the scream and the flight
  • The guy's cheeks flushing red with embarrassment is seen before his friends laughter is heard, as they listen to the guy's night adventure 
  • You see on Facebook that guy changed his status from 'Single' to 'It's Complicated ' thinking that he might actually have a chance at a relationship with that random girl. Then he calls and tells you

Stay tuned for more wonderful science and life instances.

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